Wednesday, September 28, 2016

It's all About LOVE. Thank You Jesus for the Reminder!

This blog may be stating the obvious, but sometimes the "obvious" things need to be brought back into the forefront.  I had a nice little reminder of this the past week and felt it was worthy of it's own little blog post.  The topic is something we sing about, talk about, live for, basically it is all encompassing.  In a word, it is LOVE.

A couple weeks ago, while I was worshiping at church (Southland's in Brea), I had a vision.  Lately the Holy Spirit has been giving me a steady stream of visions and it has been so incredibly powerful and helpful in really bringing the Word of God to life in so many ways.  Usually the pictures will confirm something He is teaching me or will give me confirmation of what is even being said later in the sermons, which is amazing and affirming for my faith.  But on this particular Sunday morning the vision was of a giant hand simply writing "love" in cursive on a sandy beach.  I then saw all the grains of sand on the beach lifted up and the sand was suspended in a 3D type affect as it was surrounding me.  I could see through the sand and saw how infinite the stars were in the sky beyond the sand.  I knew in essence that God was giving me a picture of how all knowing and all powerful He was and how infinite His love is.  I thought it was a "cool" picture but in all honesty my reaction was not one of awe or wonder.  Instead I thought this, "That is obvious.  Of course God is all knowing and all powerful and He is love. That is just a fact!"  I mean, my heart was warmed a bit, but I have to admit that I was left with a question of what God was really trying to show me in that.  I have had some visions lately that I felt were just a bit more impressive to me.  Visions of revival with the fire of God falling, Jesus preparing a banquet table, the army of God arising, basically awesome and more awe inspiring stuff.  So to see the word "love" seemed a bit anticlimactic to me.  But I just took the picture and put it in the back of my mind for future reference.  Maybe there was something more He was trying to show me?  There usually is, and lately there seems to be a lesson of some sort involved.

Well, as the week continued I had forgotten about the vision.  I was drawn to listen to a few messages online by a man named Dan Mohler.  Dan has such a contagious love of Jesus and I really enjoy his testimonies.  He has countless stories of profound miracles, but the main point he drives home over and over is that all the miraculous gifts are certainly not the focus and they should be just a natural extension of us reaching out and being the love of Christ to the world.  As we go, we just need to BE LOVE. We need to love as He has loved us.  As I have been on a journey to "eagerly desire the greater gifts" and have even had some profound words for others given to me by the Holy Spirit, this was a much needed reminder at this point.  

I then remembered an encounter I had with a good friend a couple months prior.  Paul and I have a friend that is a Biblical scholar that enjoys debating scripture more than anyone else I know.  Although I enjoy a good debate, iron sharpens iron so it says, I often find it rather exhausting and futile at times. One night, after a rather long discussion, I had a vision of him.  I saw Jesus reaching to embrace him.  I shared this and I was surprised when he became very agitated, even angry with me.  He said, "That is so elementary!"  I just told him that it was "what I saw."  I can say I wasn't too surprised at his response, but I guess I was grieved because I thought that with all the striving to know the Word of God did he really KNOW Him and His love?  But as I was remembering this encounter with my friend, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the vision I had in church where I saw the word LOVE on the sand.  In a way Jesus was showing me His embrace by showing me the vastness of His love and what was my response?  It really was almost identical as my friend's!  I responded by thinking, "That is so elementary!"  The Holy Spirit has been so good at showing me all these little areas that need refining as of late.  Not always enjoyable, but part of the process and is rather funny if I can see the humor in it all!

So as "elementary" as it is, I am now seeing, learning, feeling, experiencing and all the other ways He loves to engage me, that love must be the driving force behind everything I do.  I was thinking back to all the times that I was guided by love and those were certainly the most powerful moments.  The moment the Holy Spirit brought to the forefront was the time when I was in college working at a preschool.  There was a little girl there that was getting in trouble for "inappropriate touching" of another little boy.  The preschool director was agitated at this little girl and even reprimanding her with talk of even kicking her out, but I knew that it was due to abuse she encountered (Not sure if that was just from the Holy Spirit or gossip in the office.)  Well later that day I felt this overwhelming desire to go to the hallway.  Sure enough there was that little girl.  She had just left the restroom and it was just the two of us in the hallway at this point.  I wrapped my arms around her and told her that she was so loved by Jesus.  That she wasn't a "bad girl" at all and that I was so sad that she had been hurt by someone.  In fact, as I looked into her eyes I told her I understood her because I was abused when I was her age too.  I shed a few tears as did she.  She didn't say anything back.  I am sure at age 4 that would be hard to do anyway.  I have had other "moments" too. They have not been that exciting in regards to the miraculous, but that is where He is the one reaching through us to touch others for sure.

And so it may be completely "elementary" but may I never lose the awe and wonder of my "first love!"  Just recently I have started attending a small group (which isn't at all that small because there are 50 young adults in this group.)  I am so humbled by the purity of the hearts of many of these young men and women.  I was chatting with one last Sunday.  He has only been a Christian for a year and already he is so passionate about just being LOVE to a world that needs the love of Christ.  I wonder at why sometimes those of us that have been Christians for decades do not have even a portion of the passion and love that these do?  I think I used to make a few excuses, to justify my lack of zeal, that "those who have been saved of much love much."  Maybe because I was saved at such a young age was the cause of my complacency?  But perhaps it is simply because in my mind I had, in pride, decided that I was beyond living in that place of unashamed passionate love for Jesus.  I knew, with my head knowledge, that Jesus loved me and the world but I guess I thought it was time to move on to "bigger and better" things.  But what is "bigger and better" than His love?  There is nothing more important to offer and I need to allow Him to purge all things that get in the way of that, so I can truly BE love.  And as I work this out, what would living in His love actually look like?  Well the Bible lays it out pretty clearly.  It says that love is patient and kind, it doesn't envy or boast, it isn't self-seeking, it isn't easily angered and doesn't keep record of wrongs, it doesn't delight in evil but rejoices in truth, always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres, love never fails.  And the most profound thing of all is that this list is how Jesus actually loves us!  If I can really grasp how patient, kind, trustworthy, selfless, protecting my Savior is than it should just flow naturally to BE that to others.  And so, may we all grow to know the love of Christ so we can just fully live in it, and be the LOVE that He wants to be to this world.


  1. When God made His promise to Abraham that his seed would be like the sands of the sea and the stars of heaven, God was showing you His love is that which FULFILLS His promises. Sand that is elevated as you saw in your vision reveals the completion of His promise to LOVE. The sand was no longer on the earth but like those who are born again of the Spirit, they are like the wind where you hear the sound of it but do not know where it is going nor where it is coming from. So, this sand is lifted up in the air shows that these grains of sand have been "lifted up" above the earth BECAUSE of His LOVE.

    In addition, what you saw "written in the sand", that word "love", IS GOD for GOD IS LOVE. He writes His "name" in the hearts of His people. So, to me, this vision is showing the very nature of God and His love for us through lifting us up "above the earth". He fulfills His promise to Abraham and is still fulfilling it. I can also "see" Jesus in this vision because no greater LOVE has any man than He lay His life down for His friends AND you are My friend IF you do all I command you.

    1. Thank you Jerry for your insight! As I read this account in Genesis 15 I am even more humbled. The Holy Spirit has also been speaking to me and asking me if I would be willing to "lay down" some things that He has in fact given to me, just as Issac was given to Abraham. To allow Him to do as He wills is certainly an ongoing prayer that requires obedience and submission. But as we rest in His Love, I should be able to say, "Though He slay me, yet I trust Him!."

    2. Indeed. Imagine an army of believers that will do ONLY what the Spirit of the Lord tells them to and never to deviate at all. They have laid down their lives, aspirations, hopes, dreams and even the promises of God so they can "know Him" and the "power of His resurrection" evident in their own lives. THIS is what the world fears and seeks to fight against but will not prevail but will BE prevailed upon because "greater is He that is IN us than he that is in the world"!
